

Тhe endless quest for brewing consistency

Anybody can make a great beer - once. But brewing great beer consistently requires a high level of knowledge and experience. Here are a few rules that have worked for us in the last 150 years.

Know what you want from your beer
Before brewing, it is good to think about beer in terms of flavor profile. What kind of beer do we want to brew? Is there a specific flavor we are going for? What ingredients will help us achieve this? Once we answer these questions, we are ready for the next step.

Know your equipment
Equipment is constantly upgraded and modernized. Beer is a living thing and brewing equipment must be tested in various circumstances and ingredients. 

No shortcuts 
If we had to rank all factors that lead to consistent beer, this one would be right at the top. Every step of the process has to be followed precisely so each bottle/can/glass/mug of beer is consistently great.

Pick the best and freshest ingredients
The brewery and suppliers relationship is one of understanding each others needs and challenges. That is how the best and freshest ingredients get picked.

Keep tidy brewing records
History helps us keep doing great work and brewing records play a major role here. Brewing is all about constant education and no matter how old the brewing records are they are full of hidden gems. Learning never stops.

Having a great team goes without saying. Experience and education are important, but team spirit and helping each other out matters the most.
